Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Our SEND co-ordinator : Miss Louise Galloway

We are an inclusive school and believe that all children have a right to be educated alongside their peers and have a great deal to offer others through their individuality. We welcome all children into our school and would not seek to exclude a child because of any perceived 'difficulties' they may have. It is likely that every child will at some time or other need extra support with their learning and we have several approaches we use to to cater for this.  These can range from a little additional homework at one end of the spectrum to an Education, Health and Care Plan with additional adult one-to-one support at the other.  We try to ensure that whatever the additional support we provide, it is appropriate, purposeful and timely.


Children who continue to face challenges in their learning, despite receiving high-quality teaching, are likely to need additional strategies, or different provision, in order to meet their needs. The SEND Code of Practice states that, for these learners, teachers are required to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place through SEN support.

This SEN support takes the form of a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review). Through this cycle, we are able to understand the needs of a child and what support is required to help them secure good outcomes. 

The SENDCo will have the responsibility in implementing the graduated approach at Pomphlett but the child and family will always remain at the centre of this approach.


Some children may need more long term support or may have specific difficulties relating to particular medical, cognitive or behavioural conditions. In these cases, we devise an Additional SEN Support Plan (ASSP) for them, setting detailed short term targets and assign additional adult support to help the child to achieve these. We review our ASSP's each term and set new targets to keep the child making progress.

Some children may also benefit from being supported by staff from outside agencies. We work closely with the Plymouth Psychology Service, Plymouth Advisory Learning Support team, Speech and Language Service, Communication and Interaction team and Plymouth Excellence Cluster, as well as the NHS Child Development Centre and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).


Our SENDCo is Louise Galloway and she liaises with class teachers and the Head teacher to ensure that all the children who need support are receiving the right level of help from the right professionals. The SENDCo also liaises with the outside agencies mentioned above and consults an Educational Psychologist regularly to make sure appropriate support is being put in place so that the needs of each child are being met. The SENDCo meets regularly with the Learning Mentor who comes into school to work with children on a one-to-one basis to to support social, emotional and mental health needs. 


If you feel your child may need additional support with their learning, please discuss this in the first instance with your child’s teacher or contact the school office to make an appointment to see Miss Galloway.  You could also talk to our Parent Support Advisor, Helen Burrows, who can also offer advice and guidance. The school’s policy for Special Educational Needs is covered in our Inclusion policy, which can be downloaded below.
