Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed


Welcome to Foundation Stage!


Learning through play!


In Foundation, your child will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of your child. The things your child will learn in Foundation have been organised into three prime areas of learning:


Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal and Social Development


And four specific areas of learning:




Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


What will my child do in Foundation?


In the EYFS, play is a very important part of your child’s development and most learning will be introduced through a mixture of carefully planned play and some adult-led focused activities. There will also be opportunities for your child to choose activities that appeal to them, following their own particular interests.

Don’t be too concerned if your child says that they have been playing all day – it just means that they have been lucky enough to have experienced staff who have made their learning fun and enjoyable! As the Foundation year progresses, the learning may start to become more formal, ready for Year 1 and the National Curriculum.


Further really useful information for parents from Oxford Owl can be found here:


This will be an exciting and challenging year for the Foundation Stage children as they make new friends, settle into routines and access new and exciting activities both indoors and outdoors. We will be focusing on getting to know each other and finding out the children's interests to incorporate into our learning. 


At the beginning of term the children will be given school library books to take home and share with their family. This will be a brilliant way to get to know the children's favourite books and build on early reading skills. We are looking forward to our book launch where children will be given their first school reading book.


Please read with your child at least 3 times a week. Don't forget to sign the reading record. 


P.E days will be on a Thursday and Friday. No children should bring a PE kit to school. Please wear appropriate P.E kit to school on those days. Prepare for these sessions to be outdoors unless weather does not allow for this.

Interest Walls

In Foundation Stage, each child has their own display space. Children can choose what to put on their interest wall such as work that they are proud of, certificates or photos of out of school activities and pictures of their family. Please feel free to send certificates or items from home that children would like to share.


Life in Foundation

The children have been reading the story The Jolly Christmas Postman and have enjoyed creating their own characters. The children came up with lots of great ideas to change the character of the Gingerbread Man. We had Donut Man, Chocolate Boy, Candy Cane Girl and many more! Well done everyone!

The Foundation children had a very cheeky visitor in the classroom! The Evil Pea snuck into the Foundation Unit and stole the children's snack! The Foundation children worked really hard and used their phonics skills to write a note to The Evil Pea to get their snack back. Great work, everyone!

Foundation enjoyed a trip to our outdoor area as an end of term treat. They made hot chocolate, sang songs around the campfire and learned how to keep themselves safe when using our outdoor equipment.

This week in Foundation we have been learning all about the different parts of our bodies and their functions. We enjoyed drawing around our bodies and labelling the body parts using our phonics skills.

In Foundation this week, the children have been exploring the story Owl Babies and have enjoyed creating their own artwork based on the book. The children used black paper, chalk, tissue paper and cotton wool to create their own interpretations of the owl babies. Great work, everyone!

The Foundation team are really pleased to have welcomed the Foundation children for their first full week at Pomphlett. The team have been busy getting to know all of the children, with lots of names to learn. The children in FV and FG have been busy exploring their classrooms as well as the outside area and the pirate ship on the playground.

Useful links to use at home

Please use the links below to support home learning.

If you forget your passwords at anytime please let a member of the Foundation team know so we can help.
