Year 5
What to expect in Year 5
A Year of Calm Study
Year 5 is a year to embed all of the knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 2; a year to start the preparations for transition to secondary school.
This is often a year when children grow in maturity – sometimes even more so than in their final year in primary. They gain a greater independence and confidence from being given more responsibility in their learning.
Children in Year 5 are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning: to do their homework, to pack their school bag, to remember their PE kit, and they develop and grow as a result. It is about encouraging independence in preparation for bigger things to come.
Here is an all-you-need-to-know guide to life as a parent of a Year 5 child!
Further really useful information for parents from Oxford Owl can be found here:
Home learning: In year 5, we believe that home learning can come from a variety of sources: socialisation, out of school clubs and activities, and new experiences. We are always keen for these achievements and experiences to be shared with us, which can be done through the children bringing relevant certificates, medals etc. into school, or by sharing messages and pictures on SeeSaw.
With regard to school issued home learning, we set work in line with the school wide home learning policy, focusing on regularly completing the most important of tasks and not issuing an overwhelming quantity of unnecessary work.
The expected home learning for year 5 is as follows:
- Reading is to be completed at home at least 3x a week. These reads should be recorded in the pupil's reading diary, noting the page that has been read up to and a brief description of what has been read. New words or questions for the teacher can also be logged. Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday to ensure that pupils are achieving the expected number of reads. Pupils can record their own reads but some reading aloud to parents is encouraged wherever possible, along with a parental signature/comment being required every few weeks at least, to ensure pupils are being honest about their reading.
- Spelling assessment is to be completed on PurpleMash once weekly. The spellings that pupils will be assessed on will be the ones that they completed daily learning on the week prior. This way, children will already have the prior learning required to attempt the assessment. These spellings will be set on a Friday and must be completed by the following Friday.
- Pupils' 'Beat That!' assessments, that they complete at school weekly, will be sent home on a Friday and we encourage children to identify any incorrect answers and attempt them again. These can then be given to their teachers if they would like to have them re-checked.
It is not a weekly requirement for earning at home, but we encourage all pupils to develop their skills at any multiplication tables they are still not confident with. A secure knowledge of all times tables up to the 12x table is an expectation for year 5 and it underpins a huge amount of the work pupils will do in upper key stage 2 and beyond. The more comfortable and quick children are with their multiplication tables, the simpler maths will feel to them.
Useful links to use at home
Please use the links below to support home learning.
If you forget your passwords at anytime please let a member of the Year 5 team know so we can help.