School Clubs
Wraparound care clubs
Pomphlett Primary Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs are operated by the school during term time only. The clubs are NOT open on non-pupil staff training days or school holidays. The clubs are only open to pupils that currently attend the school.
Breakfast Club Opening Times:7.30am—8.45am.
We aim to provide a nutritious breakfast with a good choice of food and drinks and offer a relaxed start to the school day.
8.45am KS2 children will walk independently to their classrooms with all their belongings.
8.45am KS1 children including Foundation will be escorted to their classrooms
Afterschool Club Opening Times: 3.15pm-5.30pm.
A light nutritious snack and a choice of drinks will be provided. For more information including our prices, please ask at the School Office.
Please see/ complete the google form below for more information or if you would like to register your child for wraparound care: