Year 6
What to expect in Year 6
Memories and Magic
For even the most confident of 10 year olds (and their parents), the move into Year 6 can be a daunting time – but it really doesn’t have to be. Being in Year 6 truly is the most memorable time in your child’s primary education.
Year 6 is a key moment in your child’s life; they will develop more independence, a huge amount of resilience and, most importantly, they should become very aware of who they are as both learners and as young adults.
How can you help your child during this unique and special year?
Further really useful information for parents from Oxford Owl can be found here:
Welcome to Year 6
We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back to the start of a fantastic academic year.
Mrs Skuse will teach 6S and Mr Jacobson will teach 6J. Mrs Norman-Ball and Mrs Jones will also be supporting the children with their learning in both classes, as well as covering PPA on a Monday afternoon. We are all here to help with any questions or problems you may have, so please do not hesitate to ask. Parents/carers should ring, email or make an appointment through the school office, or contact us through Seesaw, and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
Here is some important information about their school week:
Daily Equipment
Each day they will need:
- a water bottle
- their packed lunch (if they are not having a school dinner)
- healthy snack for break time as this is not provided in KS2 (fruit, cheese, yoghurt, vegetable sticks - no crisps or chocolate please)
- appropriate coat for weather conditions as we will be outside as much as possible
- their reading book and reading record
P.E days will be on a Wednesday and Friday during the spring term. No children should bring a PE kit to school. Children should wear appropriate P.E kit to school on those days. Prepare for these sessions to be outdoors unless weather does not allow for this. If your child wears laced trainers, please ensure that they can tie their laces before coming to school.
Reading Books
They will have one reading book that will be sent home to read, so please ensure that this book comes to and from school and home each day. Please continue to record home reading in their reading diary and bring this in EVERY Friday so that we can move them up on our '21 Read Challenge' book shelf. When your children successfully reads 21 times (not 21 books!) They will earn a reward.
They should be reading every day at home (if possible) and, as a minimum, three times a week. Research into learning shows that the more that they develop their comprehension skills and understanding of vocabulary the better they will do in school across the whole of the curriculum. Please do give reading the priority it needs and make sure they keep a list of, and look up, any tricky words they come across- there is a space in their reading diary to make a list of these.
Further useful information to support your child in reading can be found on Oxford Owl, using the following link:
Homework activities will be provided on Fridays and will be due on the following Thursdays, in preparation for year 7. There are two opportunities, in school, for your child to complete their homework, with the help of a teacher, on Friday and Wednesday lunchtime. Please continue to read regularly and practise spelling the Year 5/6 words. These are the words that should be spelled correctly in any independent writing and not just for a weekly test. These words can be found in their reading record.
Times Tables
The children will be tested weekly, through Big Maths Beat That. It is essential that times tables are practised regularly. By Year 4, the National Curriculum states that children should already know all of their times tables, so if children are still learning them make sure they practise daily. The more confident they are with their tables - the easier other aspects of maths will be.
Finally, we look forward to working with you and your child in their final year in Pomphlett Primary School.
The Year 6 team
Useful links to use at home
Please use the links below to support home learning.
If you forget your passwords at anytime please let a member of the Year 6 team know so we can help.