Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed

Year 2

What to expect in Year 2

Improving Language and Maths Skills

Welcome to Year 2! The final year of KS1 will see your child being encouraged to work more independently. At this age, most children will have improved their ability to coordinate movement and their language/speech will be increasingly complex and grammatically correct, so it’s an exciting year for children, parents and teachers. This guide will help you to understand what your child will be learning and suggest helpful ways in which you can support them at home.

Further really useful information for parents from Oxford Owl can be found here:

smiley    Hello 2J and 2G   smiley


We hope you are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead, filled with exciting learning and fun. 



You should be reading every day (if possible), little and often really is the best option with 5-10 minutes every day being a great starting point. Research into learning shows that the more that you develop your comprehension skills and understanding of vocabulary the better you will do in school across the whole of the curriculum. School reading days will be every Tuesday and Friday. However, please bring your reading book and reading record to school everyday as there might be more opportunities to read to the class teacher and teaching assistant.



P.E days will be on a Monday and ThursdayOn these days your child can wear their PE kit into school.

Please wear appropriate P.E kit to school to as some sessions will be outdoors unless weather does not allow for this.



Homework will consist of reading at home at least x3 per week alongside reviewing your weekly CLIC , Learn It and SAFE challenges. Optional online activities include the use of Purple Mash. If you have any questions please ask a member of the year 2 team.



Additional spelling tasks will be set on Purple Mash linking to year 2 spelling patterns.


Seesaw App

Please do continue to use this app to share any learning that you have completed at home or to get in contact with us. 


If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via: a message on Seesaw, phone call to the school or popping into the school office. We look forward to working with you on your child's education this year.

Miss Galloway and Mrs Jarvis






Useful links to use at home

Please use the links below to support home learning.

If you forget your passwords at anytime  please let a member of the Year 2 team know so we can help smiley
