Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed


Uniform and Appearance


· Reasonably priced logo’d uniform is available to buy through

· An outside waterproof coat must be brought to school at all times, even in the summer months, this is due to our weather being unpredictable at times,  and, during showery periods, the children will still play outside at breaktimes.

· Jewellery: the only jewellery which is acceptable is one pair of small stud earrings.

· Hair: Small hair accessories are permitted but they must be in the school colours of red, white or black. Parents should also be mindful of avoiding hairstyles that are overly ‘fashionable’ or the latest craze amongst celebrities, eg mohawks, tramlines etc, are not appropriate for school.

· Other: False nails or nail extensions of any description and coloured nail polish are not permitted.

