Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed

School Meals


FREE SCHOOL MEALS APPLICATION FORM (latest dated January 2018)



The school kitchen currently serves a two course meal with a drink every day. The current price is £2.75 which is paid for via My Homepage (

You would have received information regarding Arbor in your welcome pack when your child started school.  If you are unable to login please contact the office.
The cook plans a varied and healthy menu with a choice each day. Children have a free choice and are able to order what they want from the menu at the start of the day and can be confident they will be served with their choice at lunchtime. The current menu is available to be downloaded at the foot of this page and the daily lunch routine is as follows: 


  • Children make their choices from the day’s menu in the classroom


Free school meals are provided for children of parents in receipt of Income Support. To apply please either complete an official application form, copies of which are obtainable from the school office or Plymouth City Council or alternatively please complete the online check (FSM online guide can be found at the top of this page). Evidence of entitlement to Income Support needs to be shown.



Pomphlett Primary School aims to be a Nut-Free school. The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts while also helping them as they grow to take responsibility for what foods they can safely eat and to be aware of what foods may put them at risk. We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes or for after school club snacks.


Many children bring packed lunches from home. Experience has taught us that fizzy drinks in cans and drinks in glass containers should not be given to the children for health and safety reasons.
