Pomphlett Primary School Horizone MAT

Pomphlett Primary School

Believe - achieve - succeed

Absence Requests

Dear Parents
Please be advised there is a new Absence Request Form which can be found under Parents/Forms and Letters.

You will be aware that the government has changed the regulations regarding children taking holidays or having time off from school.  These changes have recently been strengthened and made more precise regarding the exceptional circumstances that would allow absences to be authorised.  These updated regulations further restrict the absences headteachers can authorise and also detail the penalties parents would be exposed to should they take their children out of school during term time without authorisation.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that all parents understand the rules surrounding absence - the school has a statutory duty to enforce these regulations.  Please be aware that Headteachers now have very little discretion for authorising absences and the school's management of children's attendance is closely scrutinised by the Education Welfare Office and Ofsted.  If parents object to these regulations (which are explicit government policy) or are unhappy with their enforcement by the school, I suggest they contact their MP to express their dissatisfaction as schools now have very little control over this area.