Health Week
We have had a great start to Health Week 2018.
On Monday, Premier Sport came into school all day to deliver archery to Foundation and Key Stage 1, followed by fencing to Key Stage 2. The children loved the new sports and learnt lots of new skills.
On Tuesday we were due to have sports day but the typical British summer weather did us proud and provided heavy drizzle all day! We had to postpone the event due to the slippery conditions for the obstacle races and they will now be held next Thursday 28th pm for KS2 and Friday 29th am for KS1. We were saved by our fantastic coaches from Premier Sport who stayed with us for the day and allowed the children to try the activity that they hadn't done on the Monday. KS1 loved the fencing and KS2 scored well on the archery. Thank you to Mr B and Miss Wallis for saving the day so that the children could still participate in sports events. Year 3 and 4 also held their own Boccia competition during the afternoon in the hall. This promoted inclusion sports and great team work and communication.
On Wednesday the school took part in our Health Week competition - the importance of play and sport in education. The children have been thinking about why it is so important to be active and healthy, and how their time in school promotes this through the opportunities we provide for them. In the afternoon we held a big screen showing of the Portugal vs Morocco World Cup game in the hall. Lots of children chose to come and watch and Year 4 even made flags supporting their chosen team!
On Thursday we were visited by Alex from Team Rubicon who began our Skateability sessions. The children have loved their introduction to Skateboarding and were soon showing off their tricks. Even Mr Spamer showed some skills - but a definite need for the safety gear (and first aid!)